Teamwork Newsletter Aprile 2016
Alfa Ossidazione Srl
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Alfa Ossidazione Srl
Intervista Teamwork Dr. Mauro Mottola per Subfornitura 2016
I rappresentanti delle aziende che compongono il Teamwork saranno a Stoccarda, il prossimo 9 ottobre, ospiti del ministro dell’Economia della Regione del Baden Württemberg, Herr Peter Hofelich. Un invito ufficiale che ci onora, sancendo nel migliore dei modi la nostra lunga e proficua collaborazione con Handwerk Stuttgart, e che ci darà l’occasione di descrivere ai […]
The IZB was first hosted in 2001 as a Volkswagen in-house trade fair with 128 exhibitors from six nations, which attracted 13,500 visitors. It has since established itself as a showcase event for the international automotive supplier industry. In 2014, the organisers of the seventh IZB recorded a total of 51,000 visitors to the fair […]
Teamwork to the 2016 IZB exhibition of Wolfsburg in Germany The IZB was first hosted in 2001 as a Volkswagen in-house trade fair with 128 exhibitors from six nations, which attracted 13,500 visitors. It has since established itself as a showcase event for the international automotive supplier industry. In 2014, the organisers of the seventh […]
Saremo presenti, come MMBusinessConsulting all’IZB, che si terrà a Wolfsburg in Germania, nei giorni 14, 15, 16 ottobre. HALL 2 • STAND 2102 CLICCA QUI per accedere alla nostra pagina sul sito della fiera. The Concept of the IZB The International Suppliers Fair (IZB) is aimed at all automotive industry suppliers and has a prominent reputation […]